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  • Writer's pictureborntovibe

Updated: May 4, 2020

While we're collectively going through something we probably never expected to ever experience in our lifetime, there are many ways we're processing, coping, and dealing with the unknown. Some of us may be taking the time to learn something new or perhaps picking up an old hobby we simply lost touch with. Some of us may be binge-watching all of the Netflix or Hulu shows we never seemed to have time for before. Maybe we're trying to keep active and healthy both physically and mentally with yoga, at-home workouts, meditation, cooking healthier foods, etc. The important thing to remember is we're all going through this experience together, but we all feel its impact differently. Maybe it's not the same way you're choosing to get through, but try not to judge the way others are. Most importantly, don't judge yourself. Be kind to one another. Be gentle to you.

Personally, I needed a little inspiration! There's nothing that inspires me more than music and my favorite artists. I was curious about how some of them are spending their time social distancing from the world. Disconnecting? Interacting with fans? Creating? I spoke with musician and best selling author, Woody. He is the bassist in the band he helped found over a decade ago, Our Last Night. He recently published the best selling self-help book titled You Are The Rockstar! Contrary to the possible perception being in a heavy rock band might give off, he's a yoga and meditation enthusiast! He radiates amazing energy! Here is how he is spending his quarantine:

1. How are you holding up during these unpredictable times? A positive outlook and grateful perspective are crucial to staying grounded. How are you spending your time keeping a happy and healthy mind, body, and soul?

Woody: During these unpredictable times, I’ve been focusing on going inward. That has led me to better prioritization of my time, which has allowed me to deepen my relationship with myself through my meditation practice and through my physical practices of yoga, running, and just moving my body. Also, prioritizing time to create music, to develop myself as a musician and work on my voice, creating, and writing. I’ve also started writing another book, and a few other small projects on the side. I feel like if we don’t plan our time, then things feel scattered and we don’t ever feel like we’re making progress! I felt really guided towards being a little more specific with how I use my time and that all was because I felt so damn scattered for the first few weeks of this and I didn’t feel like I was making progress in any area of my life. Therefore, I took it upon myself to really ask what I wanted. I’ve been focusing on creating some small, micro goals each day, and doing my best to continue progressing in all of those areas. That’s been really helpful for me in almost creating my own happiness because progress creates happiness! Meditating in the mornings and evenings, to really come back to the breath, and detox from the day, as well as rationing my news consumption because we’re naturally drawn towards negativity, so that’s going to flood our mind and we’re going to start to dwell on that a little bit more. Props to anyone in industries still working right now, a lot of us who are cooped up are kind of forced to go inward both physically and mentally and that’s allowing us to see how we want to create moving forward, and what’s really important to us.

2. Are you turning to art and music to keep inspired? Creating it? Enjoying it? Both? What/who has helped the most?

Woody: Yeah, I’ve been turning to art and music a lot, especially music! The first couple of weeks I was practicing a ton, singing a lot more, I signed up for a singing course online which was great and have been working on a few different modalities of music creation and recording, which has been fun to play around with and see what works for me! For me, art is writing a lot of times, so I’ve really been hunkering down and focusing on writing the companion edition to my book You Are The Rockstar! It’s getting at our root belief systems of what limits us and how we can work to heal those, dissolve those, and create empowering ones as we move forward. My first book was kind of an overview, and this book is turning into a really juicy deep dive into those specific areas of belief system, perspective, values, and action as well as reaction. So, I can’t wait to get that out into the world!

3. Many people might be scared or living in fear. What is a message of encouragement you can leave them with to motivate a more peaceful mindset?

Woody: Right now we’re operating from a time of complete uncertainty and we know that when anyone comes from uncertainty, things get a little weird and hectic. When uncertainty rears its ugly head, then it’s almost as if someone has poured gasoline on a fire that’s already existing and then it spreads. It’s okay because what we’re being faced with right now is an opportunity to see what we need to work on, both within ourselves and in the world. Media is obviously going to harp on the negative because that’s naturally what we’re drawn to. We have this interesting obsession with negativity, so, if you’re looking for a message of hope, do your best to focus on things that are hopeful! I mean, read books that are positive and motivational. Focusing on the external when it’s negative, is going to just bring out more negative things in your life. Now, if you were to watch the news a lot, you would start to think that the world is legitimately going to shit. Ironically, we’re in a position as a world that we have the most technologically advanced societies ever. Even the poorest people now have access to things that the richest people like a hundred years ago had no idea was even possible. All of these things are really crazy beautiful, yet we are focusing on the negative doom and gloom. So, I don’t mean that it’s all just about being happy all the time and focusing only on all these technological advancements, but we really need to be reminded that things are positive and moving in a positive direction. We’re not in a hole as much as the media makes it seem that we’re in one. Yes, we’re challenged right now with a very difficult time, but we also have a lot of amazing things around us. If you’re scared or living in fear, do your best to monitor what you’re putting into your mental factory because what you put into your mind is going to play a huge deal in how you feel, what you get out, and your thinking. Do your best to have conversations with positive people, read positive things, watch inspiring things, put positivity in, and reflect what you wish to get out. That’s the bottom line. Also, question what’s being spoon-fed to you, because not everything is "truth."

4. What are you most looking forward to when we no longer have to live our lives social distancing from one another?

The thing I’m looking forward to the most when I’m not having to live a life of social distancing is going to visit my nephew! My sister just recently had a baby, and I can’t wait to see them. I also just met a beautiful woman who I'm very excited to spend more time with. I'm also very much ready to hug someone! I'm a hugger and being in a house alone for 2 months has made me miss those."

If you haven't already, check out my interview with Woody from this past December! I can only hope we can sit down together again sometime soon to connect again! Check out his band's music on Spotify, his book on Amazon, and follow him on Instagram @woodywoodrow

Stay safe and healthy. You're not alone. We will get through this stronger, more aware, and with far more compassion, empathy, and gratitude.

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  • Writer's pictureborntovibe

While we're collectively going through something we probably never expected to ever experience in our lifetime, there are many ways we're processing, coping, and dealing with the unknown. Some of us may be taking the time to learn something new or perhaps picking up an old hobby we simply lost touch with. Some of us may be binge-watching all of the Netflix or Hulu shows we never seemed to have time for before. Maybe we're trying to keep active and healthy both physically and mentally with yoga, at-home workouts, meditation, cooking healthier foods, etc. The important thing to remember is we're all going through this experience together, but we all feel its impact differently. Maybe it's not the same way you're choosing to get through, but try not to judge the way others are. Most importantly, don't judge yourself. Be kind to one another. Be gentle to you.

Personally, I needed a little inspiration! There's nothing that inspires me more than music and my favorite artists. I was curious about how some of them are spending their time social distancing from the world. Disconnecting? Interacting with fans? Creating? I spoke with musician Kevin Paris. Last year, he came to the yoga studio I used to go to, to play some live acoustic music while we did our yoga practice. It was life-changing, to say the least! I'm so grateful for that introduction to his music filled with blissful energy, hopeful love, and pure peace. His presence is just as naturally calming as his music is. If you're looking for some grounding, calming, and peaceful music, look no further than Kevin Paris. Here is how he is spending his quarantine:

1. How are you holding up during these unpredictable times? A positive outlook and grateful perspective are crucial to staying grounded. How are you spending your time keeping a happy and healthy mind, body, and soul?

Kevin Paris: I’ve been so blessed. I am holding up tremendously well! Being in Hawaii is a massive blessing at this time. Being able to be super healthy and surrounded by my best friends in the world, who are all artists and all running our own businesses, has kept us all super focused on creating tons of magic, opportunity, progress, and movement on everything that we’ve been doing for a while. But now, we have this opportunity to really tap into what quarantine has taught so many of us about art and working from home and having control over our lives, our cash flow, our connection to others and to our food. It has been so important and so helpful. We’ve all basically been diving deeper into community, food, music, and of course exercise. We’ve also all been doing a really incredible cleanse!

2. Are you turning to art and music to keep inspired? Creating it? Enjoying it? Both? What/who has helped the most?

Kevin Paris: Oh man, we’ve been making so much art! All of our friends here, we’re all content creators and we’ve been making more content than ever. Personally, I’m working on three albums: two for friends and one of my own as well as releasing singles of my own. Art has really gotten us through it and being able to create content for the world that is positive and uplifting, especially during hard times, has been absolutely incredible. Also, as artists, it’s interesting because artists oftentimes are the definition of “in quarantine.” If you think about an author just isolating themselves in a cabin and just creating.. that is the role. Songwriters, producers, etc. We are all very oftentimes in our own quarantine just creating and making art, so it’s not so much different on that end, outside of obviously all the pain and fear that some people are going through.

3. Many people might be scared or living in fear. What is a message of encouragement you can leave them with to motivate a more peaceful mindset?

Kevin Paris: I would say that so many people are living in fear, and I think fear is genuinely as important to learn from as the virus is. It’s a fact that fear influences how our body and our health operates and it’s our opportunity to use the placebo effect in a way that’s beneficial to our health. A lot of people are currently living in this state of fear, which is working in the same way as a placebo would, to help us heal, it’s making people sicker. So, I would say, living in a vibration, like you said, of positivity and having a more peaceful mindset and looking at the bright side of everything that this quarantine and virus has taught us about connection, our health, creating art, having greater control and independence for our careers, working more online, focusing on the environmental benefits that are happening by so many people not traveling as much and reconnecting to things like making our own meals, having our own food on hand, growing gardens, and turning to things like poetry, music, mediation, yoga, and at-home workouts. Looking at all of those things from a positive side and also using that positivity to pray for others and to make sure we’re checking in on other people to make sure they’re as good and healthy as they can be. Supporting all of our friends and family members, and those people on the front line who we don’t know who are putting their lives on the line every day going into hospitals and helping people, or working at the grocery store where there’s an influx of people coming in and out. Really focusing on those people because the vibration of love, peace, and positivity is so incredibly strong. For anybody who doesn’t believe that, look up what placebo is.

4. What are you most looking forward to when we no longer have to live our lives social distancing from one another?

Kevin Paris: I’m so excited to see what’s on the other end of people feeling isolated and disconnected. Sometimes we have to go really far in one direction to realize what’s on the other side. In this case, I think people are going to be so grateful for the minimal interactions that we have throughout the day, even with your cashiers, the person at the gas station, the person you’re walking down the street with, or someone you cross by, or people you’re in the grocery store with. The little things, realizing that’s so much of why we’re here - human connection. It’s built in us and our DNA. Between that, greater connectivity, greater understanding of our connection with ourselves and others. Also, all of the beautiful seeds that those who aren’t living in immense fear are planting. The people who are creating, working on their positive mindset, working on their health and happiness, and greater connection and time with their family, and just working towards a common goal of stopping Coronavirus as soon as possible. I feel like it’s great to have that commonality and something that we’re all working towards together!

If you haven't already, check out my interview with Kevin Paris from last year! I can only hope we can sit down together again sometime soon to connect again! Check out his music on Spotify, and follow him on Instagram @kevinparismusic

Stay safe and healthy. You're not alone. We will get through this stronger, more aware, and with far more compassion, empathy, and gratitude.

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  • Writer's pictureborntovibe

While we're collectively going through something we probably never expected to ever experience in our lifetime, there are many ways we're processing, coping, and dealing with the unknown. Some of us may be taking the time to learn something new or perhaps picking up an old hobby we simply lost touch with. Some of us may be binge-watching all of the Netflix or Hulu shows we never seemed to have time for before. Maybe we're trying to keep active and healthy both physically and mentally with yoga, at-home workouts, meditation, cooking healthier foods, etc. The important thing to remember is we're all going through this experience together, but we all feel its impact differently. Maybe it's not the same way you're choosing to get through, but try not to judge the way others are. Most importantly, don't judge yourself. Be kind to one another. Be gentle to you.

Personally, I needed a little inspiration! There's nothing that inspires me more than music and my favorite artists. I was curious about how some of them are spending their time social distancing from the world. Disconnecting? Interacting with fans? Creating? I spoke with singer/songwriter CVBZ. I first discovered my love for his artistry from his 2018 debut EP, River. His music style, lyrics and one of a kind voice caught and captured my attention. Beyond his art through music, his ongoing spiritual journey of love and healing is beautiful to watch and witness from the parts he shares via socials. From conversations with CVBZ, I've learned that what he does, he does it fully, with his entire being. His intentions are to grow and heal from past pain and heartbreak. He'll share it authentically and passionately through his craft. He's undoubtedly someone to watch! Here is how he is spending his quarantine:

1. How are you holding up during these unpredictable times? A positive outlook and grateful perspective are crucial to staying grounded. How are you spending your time keeping a happy and healthy mind, body and soul?

CVBZ: I am doing so well, to be honest. I am feeling alive, healthy, inspired, and so deeply in love. I am held up with my family in a cabin and taking it day by day— going on long drives, walking in the snow, and keeping an open heart and soul to the downloads of the universe. I am eating whatever the fuck I want, and sleeping however long I can. It’s been the perfect excuse to feed my soul. Also, I am in a quarantine relationship with someone I’ve loved for a long time, so it’s truly a magical moment in my soul’s journey and a major contributor to my robust spiritual/mental health as well :)

2. Are you turning to art and music to keep inspired? Creating it? Enjoying it? Both? What/who has helped the most?

CVBZ: Yes, of course! I am listening to all the same 14 songs over and over again (per usual) and writing here and there when I can. Without a proper recording setup, it’s been a bit difficult to really hunker down and focus on a song, but I have been receiving beautiful lyrics and messages from the universe, which will surely become outstanding music soon enough!

3. Many people might be scared or living in fear. What is a message of encouragement you can leave them with to motivate a more peaceful mindset?

CVBZ: If you’re living in fear of getting sick— YOU’RE ALREADY SICK FAM. This has been the defining bane of my frustration through all of this. People are looking at each other like Petri dishes of disease and potential life-threats in public, judging each other on Instagram for going to an orchard to walk around with their S.O., and shaming one another even in a light-hearted manner. I was screamed at in a grocery store by a woman yesterday for walking too close in the chip aisle... If she could see me under my bandana mask, she would’ve seen me smile and say “okay lol,” but that woman is me and we share a soul. She’s just expressing the part in me that I am not letting take over right now. 

Mother Earth is going through a great purge right now, and we are part of that— we can either ascend spiritually through this or “die” to our ego’s. This is clearly a test for humanity to come together and be better for the world, so it makes me sad to see people’s fear make them sicker than the flu ever could.

4. What are you most looking forward to when we no longer have to live our lives social distancing from one another?

CVBZ: I can’t wait for the celebration that is life that is about to occur.  Quarantine couples finally being able to go on proper dates, friends being able to hug and squeeze one another, children being able to play in parks again, oh... and BARS! Lol All the things people weren’t doing before the lockdown because they weren’t prioritizing their own health/happiness, will be at the forefront of their action. If that’s not great healing I don’t know what is. 

Lastly, If I may, I just want to say thank you to everyone who has been a light in this dark time. The people out there holding onto hope for a better world—holding space for tomorrow—staying away from the fear-mongering media coverage and treasuring the health and the life that they do have. I love you with everything I am and I can’t wait until we can share in this beautiful new world together. Aho brothers and sisters.

If you haven't already, check out my interview for Mix247EDM with CVBZ from last summer! I can only hope we can sit down together again sometime soon to connect again! Check out his music on Spotify, and follow him on Instagram @cvbzmvzic

Stay safe and healthy. You're not alone. We will get through this stronger, more aware, and with far more compassion, empathy, and gratitude.

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